Well I am back from my "mini-cation". It was fun and MN treated us well {we had 60+ degree weather while there, although, it's snowing today...}. It was exhausting though. After driving around pretty much constantly, after 2 days we found a house. I am so happy too. I was having major panic attacks about being able to find a place to live. Lo and behold, about the last house we looked at was the one. Thank Goodness! It wasn't all work though! I got to finally meet up with my bestus digi girl in the whole wide world! Manda AKA NibblesSkribbles. And I am apologizing in advance for the poor photos. I didn't bring my nice camera and my little point and shoot is a piece of you know what! So here we are looking a little washed out {but smokin' hot if I do say so myself!} at the Rainforest Cafe-

I love that Manda's son set up camp right next to Tim so Manda and I could just sit and chat. Thanks hubby for making a new BFF in little Adam! And here we are, not so washed out, but slightly fuzzy-

It was so great to meet. We were like old friends. No weirdness at all! Can't wait to get together again once I actually move out to MN. After lunch Hubbs and I had some time to kill at the Mall Of America so we shopped a little and played a round of mini golf. This... er... log was on one of the holes and it was too funny not to take a picture. I'll let you draw your own conclusions...

Anyway, just some fun stuff I am doing an Easter "Eggstavaganza!" I have been a little bummed out with weather and just other random facts of life lately, so what better way to celebrate with a little blog party! Check out the ad for more info. But, first give away starts tomorrow {I know the ad says Monday, sorry} So make sure you check out this blog tomorrow for a chance to win A FULL KIT!

Also, I want YOU!! I am having a CT call. Please apply! I am open to new and seasoned scrappers! I will personally comb through every gallery you send me and each and every person will get a reply! So please try out!

See you tomorrow!