This past Friday I clebrated my birthday and Manda's is approaching at the end of the month (the 30th) so we have teamed up to bring you lots of fun for the rest of the month and it all starts with the release of a new kit called And Many More.

Nibbles Skribbles and I teamed up to bring you two kits that can be combined to make one huge kit. Her birthday stuff is a little more girly while mine is a little more boyish. This week we will have tons of chances for you to win this kit, one or both halves, get freebies, and more!

For a chance to win My part of the kit (shown below) answer this question (the answer can be found on or in
Manda's blog!) and email you answer to: by Midnight CST tonight and we will draw one of the correct answers to win!
What is MY favorite color? And here's here part of the collab:

Stop by tomorrow to see how you can win NibblesSkribbles half of And Many More and learn a little about me while you're at it! ! I will be back tomorrow with CT layouts and more fun for you! Don't forget to check out my sale too where everything is 25% off!