Ok, sit back, Lots of fun eye candy coming your way!
First off, here is a great new kit From Moo Designs at SASy. It is called Midnight Sun. Here is what I did with it~

This is my other niece. She is a highschool cheerleader. Looks like they do what they can for the team, huh?

And here is my little boy, just 10 days old being held by my Grandma. Precious Times!

And remember my newest kit Chocolate Mint? Well here are a few more CT layouts. I love how they all turn out so different!
These 2 are GLENDA

(seriously, how cute is he?)

This one is from CHRISTIE(my hubs would never pose for me! )

And this one is KATHY'S I love the little cluster up top! Will be stealing that idea!!

Here is what the full kit looks like~