I have a quite a few products to tell you about today. BUT, I think you are going to like 'em! So stick with me! First up, I have a new kit in the stores called Let Love In. As you may have guessed it's a Valentine's Day kit, but it definitely doesn't have that kiddie Valentine feel. You could use this kit for all sorts of LO's. The inspiration for this kit came to me one day when I was having a thoroughly bad day. All because some stranger was being a jerk for no reason. It dawned on me that the world would be such a better place if we could just Let a little more love into our hearts. A little cheesy? Perhaps. But since that day I have tried to just LOVE more. And you know what? It pays off. I am more patient with my spouse and kids, not to mention myself. And strangers, even the cranky strangers! OK off my little soap box- Here are some fab CT LOs
Julie made a FB timeline. How cool is that?
Mercedes. Using a template from my
Clipped Pack
And Noelle also made a Time line! I need to learn how to do one of these!
Here is the kit in full. Isn't it fun? I personally love the bright colors and the red and brown. You can check it out
HERE. It's on sale through the weekend!

I also have a new template set in the stores. Templation:Stitched. Here are 2 LO's I did with them. The first uses a kit {coming soon} by Nibbles Skribbles
And this is with Holiday Hootin' by Nibbles Skribbles and digilicious designs.
You can check out this template pack
And while you are there, I have a new "line" of products I am starting. They are mini bundles. They include a "mini" kit, which is 10 papers and 20-30 elements, sometimes an alpha AND a template pack. Buy the bundle and SAVE! But, of course they will be available for separate purchase too! Hope you like!
And I just wanted to let you know, I am hosting a SS at DSS this Sunday @7:30 CST during the Superbowl! Come join me and chat a little too. All who play along with me will get
this kit FREE!