Welcome to the iNSD DSS blog train!!! Hope you are all enjoying your iNSD as much as I am. There are great sales to be had EVERYWHERE! Anyway, here is my part hope you al like! My personal favorite is the chili pepper banner! Snag i
tLink Expired Please check out my DSS Store ps the preview says 11 elements, but there are really 12 :) Some one has trouble counting sometimes. ;P

Here is the full blog list! You don't want to miss any of these great stops!
Digilicious Designs http://digilicious.typepad.com/digi_licious_designs/
Booland Designs http://www.boolanddesigns.com/
Twin Mom Scraps http://twinmomscraps.blogspot.com/
Deli Scraps http://deliscraps.blogspot.com/
Scrappy Cocoa http://scrappycocoa.blogspot.com
Skrapper Digitals www.skrapperdigitals.blogspot.com
Maurine Stettler http://letmescrapbook.blogspot.com/
Piggy Scraps http://piggyscraps.blogspot.com/
eqrAveziur http://www.aveziur.com/
Julie http://scrappinhappens.blogspot.com/
Snips N Snails http://www.snipsandsnailsscraps.blogspot.com/
Aimee Harrison http://girlboheme.com/gbstudios/
Don't forget to pop on over to
theStudio and check out what's happening over the next few days! We've got AMAZING sales for you to enjoy, and the forum will no doubt be hopping with excitement & activity!